Packaged Product Reclaim and Recovery
National Bulk Equipment product reclaim and recovery systems provide automated and controlled removal and recovery of dry or wet contents from packaging. Off-spec, mislabeled, over-run, or otherwise unsalable product is recovered for possible re-use or resale. Recovered packaging is collected for proper recycling or disposal. NBE product reclaim and recovery systems enable processing and production operations to eliminate or reduce material loss, improve sustainability performance metrics, and protect product and company brand perception.
NBE engineered-to-application project delivery ensures process-specific expertise in design, automation, and integration guides the development of the project requirements and scope. A single sequence of package infeed, package opening, package and contents separation, and material collection simplifies the safe and effective reclamation and recovery of product and package.

Packaged Product Reclaim
NBE reclaim systems for the recovery of packaged-liquid product and its packaging material provide brand owners and contract packagers a safe, controlled, and sanitary process for reducing product loss and packaging waste from unsalable packaged liquids. The NBE engineered-to-application project execution process assesses the full recovery sequence, including liquid flow properties and package recyclability, to ensure optimal recovery process effectiveness.