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High-volume Mixing System Blends 25,000 Pounds Per Hour of Semi Free-flowing Materials to Produce Accurate, Homogeneous Blends

This NBE high-volume material mixing system is fully integrated with twin, high-speed, 2,500-pound capacity box dumpers and two, 8-inch diameter discharge spouts to completely process, from introduction to downstream supply, 25,000 pounds per hour of homogeneously blended material. NBE integrated automation controls every process action from container dumping, level sensing, and mix auger sequencing, to operation of the discharge valves. NBE process optimization expertise increased total material throughput per shift, improved material blend quality, and reduced labor allocation.

Project-Specific Engineering:

Within the mixer, infeed scoop blades at the base of the large-diameter mix auger pull materials into a heavy-gauge mixing tube. Inside the mixing tube the mix auger blends materials while lifting that blended material to the top of the mix tube. At the top of the mix tube, broad-throw dispersion paddles on the mix auger spread mixed material across the top of the bulk material within the mixer. This mix cycle continues until the material reaches a homogeneous and consistent blend, appropriate for supply to downstream process equipment. A 30 HP, TEFC motor ensures reliable, extended-duty performance.

Project Performance:

NBE integrated automation centralizes system control, communication, monitoring, and reporting to a single, UL listed HMI, designed and built by NBE. Rigorous NBE risk assessment procedures work to prevent hazards to those who operate and maintain the equipment, while identifying improvements in physical ergonomics and equipment access points. NBE expertise in application-appropriate codes, standards, and regulations ensured system compliance at start-up.

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